STUD STOPPER is a VET approved and APPA approved non- surgical male dog birth control alternative. This product was developed so the pet consumer would have a non chemical all natural birth control option. The STUD STOPPER is worn by the male dog 24 hours a day until the female heat cycle is over. The STUD STOPPER does NOT prohibit the dog from doing any of his daily functions such as grooming, playing, using the restroom or even simulating mating. It is truly ground breaking. Its extremely comfortable and has been tested and revised for six years in the U.S.A and Canada and was introduced to the market globally at the GLOBAL PET EXPO in Orlando Fla. 2013. You can see it featured on the Daily Buzz mourning show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31owt5hmB6I. You simply strap the stretch waist band around the dogs waist in front of the genitalia firmly and the STUD STOPPER hangs down and does its job. Its easy to clean just use mild soapy water. The STUD STOPPER comes in 2 different styles one is a solid rubber, the color black only and is less expensive or a variety of 6 colors black, grey, brown, tan, cream, gold. This one there is a vinyl front and rubber back. Because of the high quality materials used the STUD STOPPER is made to last the life span of the dog unless your a breeder that uses it more than 2ce a year as a non breeder would. The competitive advantages of this product is that there is nothing else like it on the market for male dogs except castration, chemical injections, pills or the belly band which prohibits the dog from using the restroom. At the end of the day all the dogs want to do is whats natural and the STUD STOPPER allows them to be themselves without being separated which causes allot of unnecessary stress on the dogs and the owners who have to listen to relentless crying and sometimes have to board there dogs which is another expensive cost to the owners. For breeders this is a great way to socialize dogs and use as a flirting tool before they breed.
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