The Gabriel family have been breeding exotic birds since 1988 on their farm and specialize in importing and exporting birds. The aviaries have been set up in separate blocks overlooking a large landscaped garden with many trees. During the hot summer months we have a sprinkler system on the aviaries so that the birds can enjoy a cooling shower.
Constant used to be a marine engineer and has always loved birds. He decided to follow his dream of keeping exotic birds and has bred many varieties of parrots such as macaws, amazons, cockatoos, conures, queen of Bavaria and others.
All our baby birds are hand reared on the farm. Our baby birds are all used to being handled by people and arrive at their new homes tame and sweet. We pride ourselves in offering only healthy, closed banded birds in good condition.
Gabriel Constant
Gabriel Constant Birds Farm
P.O. Box 237 Bamenda
Cameroon Yaound?
Contact Details
Gabriel: +237 6 95743660
Whatsapp:+237 6 95743660
E-mail : gabrielconstantbirdsfarm@gmail.com
Contact Details