Congratulations on the purchase of your new tickSAFE?Tickgripper! Conventional methods often lead to squeezing the tick and can therefore promote infections. The soft-grip technology minimizes this risk. Please observe the following operating instructions:
1. Only use the Tickgripper to remove ticks! Do not misuse for other purposes!
2. As the Tickgripper contains small parts which a child may swallow, keep such safely stored away from small children.
3. Handle the Tickgripper carefully. Avoid flicking or playing with the push button. Such can damage the internal mechanical parts. The Tickgripper is not a toy and thus should not be handled by small children.
4. Store the Tickgripper in such fashion that the gripper head is not squeezed or compressed. Deformation can impair the precise closure of the gripper head, which is essential for the removal of small ticks. Replace the protective cap on the Tickgripper after use.
5. Large ticks can rupture during removal and contaminate the Tickgripper with blood. In this event a change of the gripper head is recommended for hygienic purposes.
6. The Tickgripper does not require a special care. If the sensitive precision mechanics "jerk", dip the Tickgripper after removal of of the gripper head shortly in a solution with dishwashing detergent (5 parts water, 1 part detergent).
If you adhere to this advice, the Tickgripper will become an indispensible aid for tick remova
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